Application for S1 Discretionary Places (2021-2022) – Remarks for Second Interview 2021-2022年度中一「自行分配學位」申請 – 第二階段面試(注意事項)

According to the advices given by the Department of Health, the school will take the following precautionary measures to minimize the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19.

1. If a student is a close contact or household member of a confirmed or preliminary confirmed case, he/she must not attend the interview and should undergo quarantine and/or testing as instructed by the Centre for Health Protection.
2. If a student is subject to compulsory testing, he/she must undergo testing as instructed and obtain a negative test result before attending the interview.

For the above situations, please inform the school at 24208893 during office hours (9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) for further arrangement.

根據衞生署最新給學校預防2019 冠狀病毒病的健康指引,學校採取下列預防措施,以降低感染和傳播 2019 冠狀病毒病的風險。

1. 如同學被界定為「確診」/「初步確診」個案的「密切接觸者」或「密切接觸者」的同住成員,必須按衞生防護中心的指示進行檢疫/檢測,切勿出席面試。
2. 如同學須作強制檢測,必須按指示進行檢測,並在獲得陰性檢測結果後才能出席面試。
