48th Speech Day

Our school's 48th Speech Day was successfully held on 19th March 2021 amid the uncertainties of the pandemic. Wearing the academic garbs and assembling solemnly in School Hall, graduates watched the videos, including an opening speech by the School Supervisor, Dr. Alice Yuk, BBS. J.P. and an address by this year's Guest of Honour, The Right Reverend Matthias Der, Bishop of Diocese of Hong Kong Island upon the playing and singing of the national anthem and school hymn. Our School Principal Mr. Cheng Hong Yung then presented the graduation certificates to all graduating students, followed by delivering the Principal's Report. After that, there was the Presentation of Scholarships to students who had made outstanding academic achievements or services. A few staff members also received the Long Services Souvenirs. The ceremony ended by the Votes of Thanks by two graduates who expressed their heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Lam Woo. This also concluded this simple yet exceptional occasion, which should constitute a unique memory in all the attendants.


Please click here for the photo album of the 48th Speech Day.